Save the date! CCF’s 2023 Graduation is June 2nd, 2023!
CCF’s graduation, “Remember the Time,” will be hosted at the Interchurch Center on June 2nd, honoring 1 CEEP, and 13 college graduates. CCF welcomes speakers, Nick E. Smith, First Deputy Public Advocate for the City of New York, and Honor Llinét M. Rosado of the New York Supreme Court 12th Judicial District, who CCF recently launched a partnership with. The event will be emceed by a former participant and current mentor, Selina Fulford, and will feature performances by Kimberly "Good Look" Seabrook and participants from CCF's Creative Writing Workshop Series.
Join us to honor college and CEEP graduates and celebrate their amazing achievements! This event is a great way to witness CCF’s impact and see everyone’s hard work pay off!
Thank you to all the students that participated in the College and Career Programs Participant survey!
Are you looking to get involved in advocacy, get help with college, jumpstart your career, or find a community of other justice-impacted women? CCF is here to bring you the support you need to thrive. Please complete this form to learn more and take your first step toward joining the CCF community. You can also find out more about what we do and our programming here.
CCF launched partnerships with two new organizations offering support to budding entrepreneurs, including Defy Ventures and Start Small, Think Big. Both organizations pitched their opportunities to two students at Community Meetings this semester.
CCF launched a new Creative Writing Workshop series facilitated by CCF partner, Kim Seabrook. The workshop series launched with 14 participants on March 16.
The fourth cohort is wrapping up its final 6 months! Congrats mentors and mentees! If you have any questions about Uplift please reach out to
The spring cohort launched on March 29th. This semester we are supporting 14 student caregivers through workshops, family events, one-on-one staff support, and $1000 caregiver stipends.
This semester's curriculum includes more opportunities for participants’ children to engage with the programming and has also introduced two new topics for everyone to explore: communication and financial education.
Contact Ebony Abel for more information about multi-gen!
BRACE Community Liaison Mentorship Program
The BRACE Liaison Program has just completed Phase II of our inaugural cohort. Over the past 3 months, our 4 Liaisons have completed an eight-section advocacy action plan, networked with elected officials and policy advocates in the Bronx and greater NYC area, and attended several community board, city council, coalition, and other community-based events, including attending advocacy days in Albany. The Liaisons culminated their 3-month liaison intensive with a final presentation about their action plan. The Liaisons discussed the following issues:
Food Insecurity in the Bronx (#removeFRESHbarriers_BX)
Increasing School Crossing Guard Presence and Salary
Preventing Black and Latinx Children from Entering the Foster Care System
School-based Remedy to Increase College Readiness
They were able to gain direct experience in participating in their local democracy by becoming community liaisons and receiving mentorship and technical assistance for three months. Throughout the process, one of the Liaisons became a voting member of her community board. She was elected to her son’s Parent Teacher Association to support their college readiness efforts and build relationships between school administration, parents, and students. Nonetheless, all the women are prepared to become successful advocates in the Bronx and beyond.
Women of Change 2023: Storytelling Program with The Moth
CCF is continuing our advocacy through art through our Women of Change program. This year we collaborated with The Moth, an organization that celebrates the diversity and commonality of human experience through the art and craft of storytelling, to host a 15-hour in-person intensive storytelling workshop. The Moth taught 11 women participants about foundational story structure and storytelling techniques that will result in engaging easy-to-follow, and impactful stories.
Participants were able to share their personal stories in a supportive and inclusive environment. The women shared stories about overcoming childhood trauma, reflecting on key relationships, global injustice, resilience, triumph, and adventure.
The collaboration between College and Community Fellowship and The Moth provided a unique and valuable opportunity for participants to explore the art of storytelling and to share their stories with others. Through the program, the women found greater strength in telling their truth and great community.
In May, The Moth will also facilitate a special one-time session about sharing your story with legislatures to amplify advocacy storytelling in a brief two-minute elevator pitch.
Pell Grant Legislation Project
Mimi Pascual, Senior Community Organizer
CCF’s Policy Team is spearheading our work on higher education in prison. As an organization, CCF is committed to removing barriers faced by incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals in obtaining a high-quality postsecondary education. This project has increased our presence and visibility in the Pell and higher education in prison space through active participation in nationwide discussions surrounding Pell Reinstatement.
We have just submitted a Public Comment on the ‘Prison Education Program Application’ for Pell Grant reinstatement. Our recommendations, which can be viewed online at, include:
1. The Department of Education should standardize the request for attachments for prison education programs completing the application.
2. Reentry counseling provided by a community-based partner with the eligible prison education program, institution, or correctional facility should be a mandatory component of the application.
3. The approval process and entity must not consider access to technology and the internet as a necessary component of substantial similarity in the decision-making process.
We are excited to continue collaborating with nationwide stakeholders doing similar work in the higher education in prison field and to preparing our evaluation of the regulations and recommendations for metrics to inform higher education in prison programs. If you’re looking to hear more about our Pell project or discuss any ideas or feedback you might have, please reach out to our Pell Grant Legislation Project Lead, Ashley Appleby, at
Big Updates with CCF’s THRIVE Technical Assistance Program!
THRIVE just completed the training for Queensborough Community College's academic advisors and career services department as a result of a partnership with the Institute for Justice and Opportunity(IFJO).